This is a quick guide to get zfs up and running on Ubuntu server, it would also work on Ubuntu desktop.
I have not not tried running zfs on Ubuntu 12.10, as it have no reason to upgrade by n40l from 12.04 LTS.
From Ubuntu server I needed to install python-software-properties, so that i could run add-apt-repository ( You don’t need to complete this first step from Ubuntu desktop or Linux mint )
$ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
Then install the zfs-native ppa, so that you can download and compile native zfs goodness
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zfs-native/stable
Update your repo list, so it includes the new zfs-native ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
Make sure the the zfs packages in the repo
$ apt-cache search zfs
Install, Note: this might take some time as it compiles the kernel module for your kernel
$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-zfs
Run the zfs commands to make sure it works
$ sudo zfs
$ sudo zpool
Create a pool
$ sudo zpool create data /dev/sda
Check the mounts
$ df -h -F zfs
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
data 229G 0 229G 0% /data
This will also work on Linux mint.